A 33% drop in Cyprus and a 19% increase in the EU in August 2023, the number of new asylum seekers, i.e. people who applied for international protection in the European Union for the first time, compared to August 2022, according to with the monthly asylum figures released by Eurostat, the EU's statistical office.
In absolute numbers, in August 2023, 895 new applications for international protection were registered in Cyprus, while in August 2022, 1.340 were registered. At EU level, 91.735 applications were registered this August, compared to 77.145 last August.
Also at EU level there were 5.660 subsequent applications, i.e. applications from people who had previously sought asylum and been rejected. The number of later applications fell by 8% compared to August 2022 (6.165).
For Cyprus (and Sweden) there are no data regarding subsequent applications due to a temporary derogation from the obligation to provide information.
As in previous months, the highest number of new asylum seekers was recorded in Germany (29.110), followed by Spain (12.075), France (11.495) and Italy (10.005). In total, 68% of all new applications in the EU were recorded in these countries.
In relation to the population, in August 2023 there were 20,5 new applications per 100 thousand people in the EU. At national level, based on data for 1 January 2023, the highest proportion of new applications was registered in Cyprus (97,0 applicants per 100 thousand), and in Austria (72,4). The lowest ratio was recorded in Hungary (0,0).
Also, in August 2023 Syrians continued to be the largest group of asylum seekers in the EU (18.170 first-time applicants). They were followed by Afghans (9.785), Turks (7.970), Venezuelans (4.805) and Colombians (4.665).
Regarding unaccompanied minors, last August 4.465 unaccompanied minors submitted new asylum applications to the EU. Most came from Syria (1.540) and Afghanistan (1.420).
The most new applications from unaccompanied minors in the EU were recorded in Germany (1.250), Austria (795) and Bulgaria (735).
For Cyprus (and Poland) there are no data regarding the applications of unaccompanied minors due to a temporary derogation from the obligation to provide information.
Source: KYPE