Prolonged heatwave conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus

The times when the very high temperatures are noted

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The forecast for the rest of August until the first week of September, for the eastern Mediterranean region, according to the Climate Watch of the German Meteorological Service (DWD), is that temperatures are expected to be significantly higher than normal, while heat waves are expected, with the temperature often exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.

In a statement, the WMO says that DWD's Climate Watch acts on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The highest temperatures are between 11:00 and 17:00.

The public is recommended to follow the bulletins issued by the Meteorological Department daily (three bulletins are issued every 24 hours with updated forecast, where and where necessary, based on new forecast and actual data), as well as the related warnings.

According to the updated advisory directive 202413-U3 of the Climate Watch Advisory Group of the World Meteorological Organization WMO in Cyprus, Greece, Crete, Rhodes, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Spain, France, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia, it is expected that until the first week of September, temperatures will be significantly higher than normal, while there will be episodes of heat with the temperature often exceeding 40 degrees.

According to the monthly forecasts of climate models for the region by the German Meteorological Service (DWD), temperature deviations from climatic normal values ​​are expected to reach from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius, with the strongest warming in the Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean, but and southern European countries.

Specifically, for the week of August 9-16, with a probability of more than 90%, for the following days (from August 17 to September 6) with a probability of 60% to 90%, the certainty of the intensity and extent of the wave of increased heat stress is increased.

The weather conditions of the region (flow in the lower atmosphere, anticyclonic movements in the upper atmosphere) create conditions of increased thermal burden in all sub-reference areas and in combination with the prolonged dry season and extremely increased risk of forest fires.

The prognosis is general and given as an average. The countries affected are Cyprus, Greece, Crete, Rhodes, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Spain, France, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia.

Source: KYPE