In today's session, the Council of Ministers approved a proposal by the Minister of Defense to modernize the institution of the National Guard's Contracted Soldiers (SYOP) and upgrade their terms of employment.
As mentioned in order to upgrade the institution, in order to make it sustainable and attractive, the Ministry of Defense held a number of meetings with the Ministry of Finance, at the highest level, with the latter chaired by the President of the Republic.
Among other things, the Council of Ministers decided the following:
a. The SYOP will be hired for a service of a total duration of ten (10) years, with the conclusion of consecutive contracts from one (1) to three (3) years, following a selection process that will include written exams. The salary scale of recruitment will be Scale A2 and for each year of service a corresponding increment will be granted. SYOP will be granted a special allowance for each month of service, which is set at 100 euros. For the SYOP who serve in selected departments of the EF, the monthly allowance is fixed at 200 euros.
b. SYOP number, he will be able to serve until his 57th year of age like the rest of the non-commissioned officers of the National Guard, provided that they succeed in a selection process for inclusion in upgraded salaries after completing ten (10) years of service. The salary scale in which the successful SYOP will be placed will be the corresponding salary of salary Scales A2-A5-A7(ii).
c. The termination of the service of SYOPs who are already serving remains as it is, that is, until they reach the age of 42. Their pay scale will be upgraded from the equivalent of Scale A1 they are in Scale A2 and they will be granted monthly allowance as aforesaid. Number of SYOP may, after completing 10 years of service and if they succeed in the required selection process, which will also include written exams, be placed on salary at the corresponding levels of Scales A2-A5-A7 (ii).
d. The arrangements concerning the already serving SYOP are put into effect from July 1, 2024.
e. An announcement for the recruitment of SYOP will be made upon completion of the formulation of the regulatory framework.