A 13-year-old girl who played the addictive game "Blue Whale" committed suicide

A 13-year-old girl who played the addictive game "Blue Whale" committed suicide

"Suicide is a way out," the 13-year-old wrote

13-year-old Emine Karadag, who committed suicide with her father's carbine while playing the online suicide game "Blue Whale", was found dead in her bed in Adana, southern Turkey.

The teenager, according to the Daily Mail, left whale paintings and a list of 25 things she wanted to do before she died, along with game instructions that encourage players to commit suicide.

As reported in Turkish Media, Emine left a letter to her family. "Suicide is a way out. To go against everyone, to resist. You will be alone. "If you have to swear that you will not speak," he wrote.

The family of the 13-year-old is devastated and talks about a good child and a good student.

"She lay on her bed and shot herself. There was no way she could do such a thing on her own. "She was an excellent student," said her uncle Mahmut Karadag. "We found a notebook in which she wrote 'today we will beat these children, we will commit suicide, we will go to heaven, we will be resurrected and we will go back again. He was under the influence of the game, "he added.

"Blue Whale" is a game consisting of a series of tasks assigned by the game administrators to the players, lasting 50 days, with the aim of creating traumatic psychological experiences. The ultimate challenge is suicide. The game has been linked to 130 suicides.
