Ukraine's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that its armed forces had seized secret battle plans left behind by Russian troops. He said the documents showed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine would last 15 days. Document revealing that plan for Russian invasion of Ukraine had been approved since January 18
The confiscated documents were posted on Facebook by the ministry and showed the war plans of one of the units of the regular group of the 810th Separate Marine Infantry Brigade of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the ministry said.
An invasion map, a blackboard and a list of personnel were included in the documents, according to Ukraine's Defense Ministry.
The photos of the alleged Russian documents were posted on its Facebook account by the Eastern Task Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which shows that Russian officials approved the operational plans for the invasion of Ukraine on January 18.
"Thanks to the successful actions of one of the units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Russian invaders not only lose weapons and men, but in their panic leave behind secret documents," they write.
The dates of February 20 and March 6 visible in the Russian document that fell into the hands of the Ukrainians / Photo: Ukrainian Armed Forces
This group of the Ukrainian army says that it confiscated the documents from the 810th Marine Brigade of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
These include maps, details of military operations, radio frequencies and call signals, personnel list.
The Russians planned to take Ukraine in two weeks
According to the documents, Russia plans to defeat Ukraine in two weeks. The operation plan foresaw the start of the invasion on February 20 and the occupation of the country by March 6 and the completion of the operation.
The Russian unit was ordered to disembark from the Orsk amphitheater in the Stepavnica-Persia region on the shores of the Sea of Azov in Zaporizhia Oblast in southern Ukraine in order to advance, blockade Melitopolis and occupy it in cooperation with the in the Russian Caspian Fleet and moved to the Black Sea a month before the invasion began.
The fact that the leadership of the Russian armed forces approved the plans for the invasion of Ukraine on January 18 implies that it took months to prepare them.