Happy Pancake Day! Today is the British Swan Thursday


Today, March 5, the British celebrate Pancake Day.

It is the last day that one can eat whatever one wants before the 40th day of fasting for Easter begins.

Their preference for pancakes for this day comes from the fact that they are rich in vitamins due to eggs, milk and flour, ingredients that they will miss for the next 40 days.

Another version with pagan roots is that hot and round pancakes symbolize four important elements:

Eggs Creation
Flour ζωής The staff of life
Salt. Hygiene
Milk ρότητα Purity

In the UK, pancake races are an important part of Pancake Day celebrations. Crowds of people wear something fancy and compete for who will be the first to reach the finish line without throwing the pancake out of the pan.

The most famous frying match takes place in Olney, Buckinghamshire. Housewives of the area wearing an apron take part in this race.

In one county in England, in fact, Pancake Day is more like "Trick or Treat" as children walk from house to house asking for a pancake. Instead, they usually get sweets and oranges, the local fruit of Lancashire.