A possibly armed man is holding at least one hostage at a post office in Saitama Prefecture, northwest of Tokyo, local authorities said today.
At around 14:15 local time today (07:15 Cyprus time) "a man took hostages and barricaded himself in a post office" in the town of Warabi, its municipal authorities announced on their website, where they specify that he was in possession of an object that looked like firearm.
🔴 Breaking: A suspected gunman has taken an unknown number of people hostage inside a post office in Warabi City, Japan.
日本の蕨市の郵便局都銃を乱射したた容疑ですたととったととたとの詳の人質をとたたとたとたとたとな pic.twitter.com/AVfIlk3tnG
— SVS NEWS AGENCY (@svsnewsagency) October 31, 2023
Source: RES-EAP