Kostrikis: There is a rapid increase in cases - 95% unvaccinated in ICUs

Until now, Omicron has not been located in Cyprus

de1f8f497b9b90e8db5bff3d4b4ce19f ανεμβολίαστοι, Κρούσματα, Κωστρίκης, Μετάλλαξη Όμικρον

The view that if and when the O mutation is detected in Cyprus, then we will have increased cases formulated by Dr. Leontios Kostrikis.

Speaking to RIK on Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Kostrikis pointed out that "for about a month now, a program has been running in Cyprus to control the mutated executives from the entrances of the KD". He said that so far O. has not been located in Cyprus.

"We have to be realistic. Whatever we do, we can not stop something, but delay the spread. Give time to prepare the State. To expect that there will be large numbers of cases every day. We hope they do not end up in Hospitals. This is also related to the data we have at the moment ", write down.

He added that "Even with the arrival of O and the rapid increase in cases that we will have, vaccination is a very important tool that will slow down someone ending up in the hospital."

Dr. Kostrikis stressed that based on the studies that have seen the light of day, the percentage of our compatriots who are negative is less than 10%. "If we consider that this team is the difficult one and is not going to be vaccinated, then we still have a long way to go until we cover 90%", he said.

"In the long run, there is an upward trend. Personally, I expect much bigger infections in number when O comes due to the increased transmissibility ", he said.

Dr. Kostrikis said that it is necessary to emphasize that 95% of the people in the ICU are unvaccinated. "The rest are vaccinated and have not done the 3rd dose", he said.