This product is withdrawn from the Cypriot market due to salmonella (PICTURES)


Screenshot 11 3 Market, food, Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health informs the consumer public that the Health Services of the Ministry, as part of the official controls they carry out on the market, have sampled this product, in which, after laboratory tests in the accredited laboratories of the State General Chemistry, the salmonella bacterium

The Health Services of the Ministry of Health have already informed the company that manufactures and distributes the food in question on the Cypriot market and instructions were given for the immediate recall / withdrawal of all quantities of the specific batch.

However, since some quantity of the involved lot may be in the possession of consumers, they are urged to avoid consuming it and to return the packages to the places where they were purchased.

The Health Services cooperate with the Veterinary Services for further investigation of the issue.

3 + 1 FREE
Trade name: ALERA Good Goods
Net weight: 480gr
Time indication: Frozen on 25.10.2023
Best before 24.04.2025
Lot: Lot number L24042025
Bar code: 5292097002776
Storage conditions: Store at -18oC / Store -18oC
Origin: Product of Latvia
12 Andrea Zakou Street, 2660 Kokkinotrimithia,
Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +35722778833, Fax: +35722778832
Outer Packaging: Paper / Inner Packaging: Plastic,

Screenshot 9 5 Market, food, Ministry of Health Screenshot 10 4 Market, food, Ministry of Health