In their announcements, the Ministry of Justice and Public Order and the PASYDY Prison Personnel Department characterize the allegations of violence by the Directorate of Prisons against prisoners as "non-substantial".
In the announcements, the other allegations that have seen the light of day and come from a letter from Central Prisons inmates to the President of the Republic, through the Association for the Protection of the Rights of Prisoners and the Support of Released Persons, are also rejected.
Regarding the allegations made in the letter about "daily incidents of violence in the Prisons and incidents of violence on the part of the Directorate of the Department of Prisons", the Ministry of Justice says that these are "completely unfounded". It notes that the Ministry and the Directorate of the Prisons Department in the context of humane treatment of prisoners demonstrate zero tolerance for any incidents of violence, and ensure prompt and effective investigation of any such allegations. "In any case, internal and external control institutions and mechanisms operate smoothly, to which the prisoners have direct access," the announcement states.
The Ministry also responds to allegations of a reduction in correctional programs, stating that "schools have never been closed, nor has the number of vocational and educational programs been reduced." On the contrary, he notes, the number of Prison schools has increased from 9 operating in 2022 to 10 in 2023-2024, while the operation of a new second vocational training room is underway, which will operate simultaneously as an 11th school.
In addition, it is reported that the number of trainers working in the Prison schools has increased from 30 in 2022 to 37 and 42 in the years 2023 and 2024 respectively, while the number of correctional and educational programs has also increased from 32 in 2022 to 39 and 54 in the years 2023 and 2024 respectively, while the number of prisoners participating in them has increased from 614 in 2022 to 623 in 2023 and 713 in 2024.
Regarding the claim that the quantity and quality of the food provided to the prisoners has decreased, it is noted that the feeding of the prisoners has not been reduced or degraded. "The concern for this matter is continuous and concerns both the quantity and quality of the food provided through the hiring of professional chefs in 2024, as well as the satisfaction of the individual needs of each category of prisoners (6 different menus)", it states. It is added that this is ensured and proven by the increase in the budget for feeding the prisoners from €1.600.000 in 2022 to €2.600.000 in the years 2023 and 2024, with almost the same number of prisoners for all three years.
The Ministry characterizes the claim of a reduction in visits to prisoners as "lacking any basis" and notes that this has not only not been reduced, but instead has been further expanded by extending visiting hours by one hour and extending visits to 7 days , instead of 6 days per week that was previously the case.
Regarding the allegation about the absence of events and activities of prisoners in the Prisons, the Ministry repeats that this allegation "also lacks any basis", since, as it notes, activities and events for both prisoners and their families and children, while targeted information days and activities and events aimed at connecting prisoners with free society are held. More specifically, while 2022 events have taken place in 22, they increased to 44 in 2023 and to 55 in 2024.
"Untrue" also characterizes the claim for the abolition of the Open Prison, and notes that the institution of the Open Prison has never been abolished, on the contrary, it has been strengthened and upgraded with the inclusion of specialized vocational training programs aimed at the professional reintegration of prisoners. In February 2024, the new Open Prison with a capacity of 60 places has been operational, which responds to the need for a more rational distribution of building infrastructure and prisoners, it is added.
The Ministry points out that throughout the years the population of prisoners included in the Open Prison did not exceed 40 prisoners, who were accommodated in a building with a capacity of 240 places, which remained unused during a period of serious overcrowding. In 2023-2024, in contrast to 2022, on the basis of rational planning with two decisions of the Council of Ministers, a holistic program was adopted which included the utilization of all unused spaces that existed, their building and technological upgrading with the aim of immediately addressing the problem of overpopulation.
The Ministry also states that on December 17, the President of the Republic will inaugurate the new wing of the Closed Prison. The new wing of the Closed Prison has been completed and was officially handed over on Tuesday afternoon by the Department of Public Works and Department of Electro-Mechanical Services to the Department of Prisons, in the presence of the Minister of Justice and Public Order.
"The creation and operation of the new wing of the Closed Prison alleviates to a significant extent the problem of overcrowding, an element necessary for the effective exercise of prison policy", the statement notes.
The Ministry of Justice and Public Order notes that it recognizes the existence of perennial problems in the Department of Prisons and points out that it is for this reason that the present Government, from the first moment, entered "with rationality, seriousness, will and determination in dealing with and solving them to the greatest extent possible ".
The unchanging goal of the Government and in particular of the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, it is stated, remains the modernization of the Prisons and the prison system, through the upgrading of the building and logistical infrastructure, the further staffing of the Department's human resources and institutional and legislative arrangements that already have implemented or in progress.
For its part, the Personnel Branch of the Prisons Department of PASYDY also states that "nothing could be more true" regarding complaints about incidents of violence and calls on the Association to immediately file any complaints that are before it, for full investigation by the competent authorities authorities.
"The unsubstantiated reports that aim to damage the integrity and professional competence of correctional officers in order to create impressions against the staff of the Department, who in really difficult conditions are called to carry out the duty assigned to them by the state, do not will be tolerated by our Branch", the announcement of the Branch notes.
It is added that the Staff of the Department, and by extension the Prison Department, are subject to control by independent agencies and prisoners have the right to submit their complaints about anything they consider to be a violation of their rights (Administrative Commissioner, Prison Council, CPT) and have the right to daily contact with their legal representative of their choice.
The Branch notes that overcrowding is a fact that makes the daily life of both prisoners and staff difficult and that is why, as they note, "we welcomed from the first moment the announcement by the Government and the Ministry of Justice and Public Order for the transformation of Open Prison in Closed, with a capacity of 240 prisoners, to alleviate this serious matter". The same also applies to the expedited procedures for building a new 360 inmate capacity wing to finally resolve this serious matter as reported.
Further, the contention that the Wing is not ready and that the inauguration is being done for show is rejected. "Prisoners cannot have access to the new Ward, in contrast to the Staff who were given a tour of the new facilities and were impressed with the result, both in terms of equipment and security", they note.
The guild also answers briefly that no reduction in training programs, food, visits, etc. has been observed.
In conclusion, the Prison Personnel Branch notes that if the Association for the Protection of the Rights of Prisoners and Released Persons finds any violation of the rights of prisoners, it must report them to the independent authorities for investigation. "However, it does not have the right to adopt the views of a section of prisoners who, for their own personal reasons, make unsubstantiated complaints without evidence", he says, noting that the goal is common, "the safe detention of prisoners referred by the Court in conditions of respect for of human dignity, the education and reformation of prisoners and their smooth reintegration into society".