The mobilization and presence of the Police on the road network was intense during the Christmas, New Year and Epiphany holidays, as part of actions to prevent road conflicts and strengthen road safety.
From December 23, until January 06, the Police proceeded to carry out coordinated operations, with motorized and pedestrian patrols, as well as with increased controls, on the road network. Particular emphasis was placed on those violations that have been proven to be the main causes of fatal and serious road collisions, such as excessive speed, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, not using a seat belt and protective helmet, using a mobile phone while driving, and reckless, dangerous or negligent driving.
A total of 3,615 complaints for various traffic offenses resulted from traffic checks carried out by members of the Police and in particular by members of the Traffic Departments, Police Headquarters and provincial Police Directorates. Of these, the 1,121 complaints that concern exceeding the speed limit and the 241 complaints that concern driving under the influence of alcohol stand out. The 197 complaints concerning failure to use a seat belt and the 15 complaints concerning failure to use a child seat, the 15 complaints concerning failure to use a protective helmet by motorcyclists, the 41 complaints concerning failure to use a protective helmet by users of personal mobility devices – e-scooters and cyclists, as well as the 133 complaints related to mobile phone use or other object while driving.
Regarding offenses related to drivers' documents, a total of 110 complaints were made for driving without a driver's license and without a safety certificate. Regarding offenses related to the documents and suitability of vehicles, 161 complaints were made for driving a vehicle without a certificate of suitability, as well as 53 complaints for driving a vehicle declared as immobilized. During technical inspections for the suitability of vehicles, 134 complaints were made, of which 37 related to the operation of vehicle lights and 15 related to worn tires.
Also worth mentioning are the 326 complaints about illegal parking, of which 158 complaints related to illegal parking in spaces for Persons with Disabilities, as well as the 232 complaints related to traffic signal violations. There were also 80 complaints regarding single-lane driving violations and 30 complaints regarding illegal overtaking and illegal use of traffic lanes.
The Police continues traffic checks every day, throughout the twenty-four hours, throughout the road network throughout Cyprus. The sole objective is to strengthen road awareness and correct road behavior by all road users, to prevent road collisions and increase safety on the road network.
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