Online courses of the University of Cyprus - What will happen to the laboratories

An extraordinary meeting of the Senate was held today, 05/01

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The University of Cyprus, due to the increase of cases in our country, decided the courses to be done online, for about four weeks.

According to the Spokesperson of the University of Cyprus, Doxa Komodromou, the teaching will start on January 17 and until February 17, 2022, the teaching will take place at a distance, a decision taken at today's special session of the Senate.

During the 3rd week, the Senate will re-evaluate the situation that will prevail until then regarding the pan-famine and will decide whether the students should return with a physical presence or not.

The midterm and final examinations will be performed in a physical presence under strict hygienic measures.

With physical presence, only laboratory courses will continue to be conducted, observing all the protocols that are in force: safe pass, keeping distance, use of protective mask, etc.
