G. Kapari: Event professionals ask for support from those in charge - History repeats itself

One cancellation follows another - "It does not mean a wedding without a party"

Copy of Main Image x2 42 industries, MARRIAGES, new measures, support

2022 did not go well for professionals at events, weddings and christenings. The measures do not help them once again to stand on their own two feet. The measures that are in force, due to the escalation of cases, have brought upside down, since one cancellation follows the other. Employees and entrepreneurs in the sector are seeking immediate support from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor.

In her intervention on ANT1 show, Giota Kapari, who is a member of the Association of Professional Weddings and Events, expressed that there was hope for other data, however the current situation only causes dissatisfaction as the measures are stricter and greatly affect the industry of events, weddings and baptisms.

He also noted that The last thing that concerns the entrepreneurs of the industry is the 24-hour rapid test, which must be submitted from today to all those who will attend such events.

From the side of the industry, the main problem that arises is the ban on dancing, since as Mrs. Kapari pointed out, weddings have the characteristic of a party and a wedding can not take place without a party, "It does not mean a wedding without a party", as he characteristically said.

With these data, the cancellations were expected, according to what Ms. Kapari stated. Professionals understand the seriousness of the epidemiological situation in our country and what they are asking for is immediate support from the Government.

"When measures are announced, which affect some people and many employees, then the Ministry of Finance and Labor should accompany the decrees with some decisions of financial compensation to companies and employees."

"We can no longer pay banks and taxes, we want the help of the state",

Finally, Ms. Kapari said that the support you expect concerns the previous period when the industry was affected by the measures, and added that if the industry is affected by measures of 2022, then support must be given for those months as well.
