Cypriot doctor, Dr. Loizos G. Loizou, is ranked among the top 100 worldwide in Pediatric Oncology/Pediatric Hematology, as a shaper of opinions in the field of childhood cancer through social networks.
According to a statement from the "Hope" Foundation on the occasion of the completion of the month of September, dedicated each year to childhood cancer awareness, the Oncodaily Organization, which is active in the media for oncology and is based in the USA, presented on 30/9 2023 list of the top 100 most influential Pediatric Oncologists/Pediatric Hematologists globally in the field of opinion-shaping in the field of childhood cancer and leukemia.
Among these 100 world leading opinion makers, Pediatric Oncologists/Pediatric Hematologists, Dr. Loizou, Professor of Pediatric Oncology/Pediatric Hematology at the Medical School of the University of Nicosia, is included.
The "Elpida" Foundation reports that "the inclusion of the Cypriot Pediatrician/Pediatric Haematologist, Professor Dr. Loizou, in the list of leading shapers of opinions on childhood cancer proves that as a small Cyprus, with systematic long-term work, resilience, dedication, patience and perseverance we can we become effective and important participants, at the global level, for the progress of medicine and health care for our children".
Source: KYPE