CYPRUS: Mourning in Nicosia for 42-year-old Stathis (PICTURES)

Relatives are moved by the messages of relatives and friends about 42-year-old Stathis Katsaris, who "left" on Tuesday night (6/4)


The messages of relatives and friends about the 42-year-old Stathis Katsaris, who "left" on Tuesday night (6/4), are moving. 

The young man was recently diagnosed positive with Covid-19 and according to information in the last few days he developed serious symptoms, he was intubated and in the course he ended up. 

The same information states that the 42-year-old, who had his birthday just a month ago, was facing heart problems. 

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There were many who wanted to say goodbye to him through posts on social media, such as the famous personal trainer and friend of Stathis, Kyriakos Pelekanos. 

“8.26 I sent you this message να I passed you earlier and you did not answer me and I was scared because I had your meaning. We talked on Monday and you were not well, you find it difficult to breathe. I caught your father and he told me that you agreed to be intubated and put in repression until you are better. I said happily to my kkeletzis who accepted and I made my cross all well. The man who was never afraid of anyone or anything in his life ... that no one could mold him or pull his ear. "

Those who knew him speak of a good-natured man, who was always willing to help his fellow man. 

"Series we lost our turn, our lavender"
"My Levantine, my dear friend, you hurried to leave my friend, good heavens."

