"With two murders I also want information to be vigilant?"

The President of the Police Branch of the All-Cypriot Union Equality appeared once again in a strong mood

01 11

The President of the Police Branch of the all-Cypriot trade union Equality appeared once again in full force. Speaking to Mesimeri and Kati, Nikos Loizidis said that even with intelligence gathering offices that the Police had in the past, we had fivefold and then fourfold murders.

"It would be good when we talk, to talk with facts... not to say something that sounds nice and pretty. It is not a matter of whether the office can cope with information, the matter is that a complete protocol should be made, because bad lies the information will not be received from the priest of the church.. it will probably be taken from where the crime. That's the problem."

He went on to say, “let's not level everything because some wrong statements were made yesterday. I need information to know if there will be a murder when the last murder that happened was June 13 in Limassol. Now I've had two kills, do I need information to be vigilant? Let's be correct and realistic as Police. Now we have a problem with efficiency because we are operating in a completely wrong way. Some departments should be closed and police officers should go where they need to."

"The solution is at the core of the Police organizational chart. The Police should establish a DIAS team to act immediately and not have a Z team to go to traffic complaints. Our structure has failed. We have to get in front of the crimes, which have changed status," he said.
