The Department of Taxation reminds that based on article 30A of the Law on Certification and Collection of Taxes (N4/1978), the companies included in the annex of Decree KDP 259/2021 (Obligables) and in the amending Decrees KDP 446/2021, KDP 52/ 2022, KDP 248/2022, are obliged, in the context of their transactions with consumers, to accept means of payment by card for the completion of payment transactions.
Based on article 50F of the Tax Certification and Collection Law, non-compliance with the provisions of the above Decrees, incurs an administrative fine of up to four thousand euros (€4.000).
The Department carries out continuous checks and examines all the complaints it receives, imposing the penalties required by law, without necessarily making its results or actions public.
It also encourages citizens, where and where they find a violation of the legislation, to send the relevant information to the e-mail address