The Police are investigating a robbery that took place in the early hours of today in Limassol, with the victim being a 24-year-old man, a food delivery man. The case is being investigated by the Limassol Police Department.
According to the information under investigation, at around 00.10am, the 24-year-old delivery man went to an area in Limassol to deliver food. After parking his motorcycle, he was approached by three individuals, whose faces were covered with a hood. One of the suspects, after brandishing a metal object at the 24-year-old, hit him in the back with his hand and fled.
At the same time, the two other suspects demanded that the 24-year-old hand over his wallet and two mobile phones, and after the 24-year-old did so, the suspects fled.
Then, two other individuals, who also had their faces covered, stole the 24-year-old's motorcycle.
Around 3.00:24 a.m., the XNUMX-year-old filed a complaint with the Police, specifically the Limassol Police Station. He stated that he did not suffer any injuries from the attack.