"Doctors should prescribe the cheapest material and the minimum possible amount"

What will happen to the existing recipes

cache 1500x3000 Analog medium 1342659 102861 28112021 GESY, bandages, OAY, prescription

The cheapest patches and in the smallest possible quantities, OAY asks the doctors to prescribe for their patients and at the same time informs that until the completion of the bidding process, the citizens will be able to obtain the necessary consumables for their condition. , only from pharmacies of public hospitals. 

As stated in a letter to the doctors of GESS, OAY, "An open tender has been announced for various types of specialized patches which will be supplied by private pharmacies and for which there will be an option with a Contribution II". 

The patches are currently included in a table which is attached to the doctors. As reported by OAY 'Will be deactivated from the list by 10/1/2022 and the doctors are called not to prescribe them ". 

In addition, OAY informs that  "Existing prescriptions that will not have been executed by 10/1/22, must be reissued with another available product".

The Agency also states that "At this stage and until the award of this tender, the available patches for floods, ulcers, burns will continue to be available from the pharmacies of OKYPY". And he concludes: "Doctors are asked to prescribe the cheapest possible material "(starting from a simple dressing) and the minimum possible amount with which an ulcer can be treated, limiting the use of more expensive specialized patches to what is absolutely necessary".

This decision of OAY, inevitably provoked the strong reaction of the Federation of Patients' Associations of Cyprus. The spokesman of the Federation and president of the Cyprus Paraplegics Organization, Dimitris Lamprianidis, in his statements to "F", replies to OAU that not only is the practice of stacking patients in the pharmacies of public hospitals wrong, but the exact opposite should have been done .

"All companies need to be added to the procurement process through pharmacies," he said, adding that "apart from inconvenience, Visiting hospital pharmacies carries risks "Especially because of the pandemic, it is not wise to turn patients into hospitals for the supply of consumables, nor is this practice part of the GESS philosophy we want."

Patients, "demand as GESS gives access to good quality consumables to patients from all the good companies that offer them and are not cheap copies." Regarding some legal issues, OSAK expects clarifications from the competent services.
