Answers to frequently asked questions about what is changing since March 15 as part of a strategy to lift restrictive measures to contain the pandemic
(decisions of the Council of Ministers March 12, 2021)
A. Movements:
- What time does the travel ban apply?
The curfew is still in effect from 11 pm until 5 am the next day.
- Why are you allowed to travel during curfew hours (11 pm to 5 am the next day)?
The movement of persons during curfews continues to be allowed for the following reasons:
- for work purposes from and to the workplaces with the presentation of Form A., completed and signed by the employer and which certifies the need to travel during the above hours.
- for purposes of urgency and urgency, ie for going to a medical center or hospital or pharmacy or veterinarian for medical emergencies and for going to provide emergency care to people who are unable to self-care or who have to self-protect.
- How many times per day will exceptional travel be allowed?
Exceptionally movement will be allowed twice a day by texting 8998 for the cases listed in Form B. The aged persons over 65 years of age may use Form B twice daily for their exceptional movements. There are nine (9) categories for exceptional travel by sending SMS.
It is clarified that for the purposes of going to and from work for work purposes the sending of sms is not required, but the employee must present the Form A, signed by his employer.
In addition, for the purposes of transporting a minor or a person with a disability to the school or day care center, a text message from the parents / legal guardians is not required.
4. What changes in the other categories for use SMS from March 15?
For going to a restaurant (only for outdoor areas), a text message is sent selecting him 2 number.
Η Category 6 modified and, in addition to moving for sport and individual training purposes, includes movement for access to public gathering places, ie squares. To go to picnic areas and dams, where access will be allowed only on March 15, a message is sent to number 6.
All other Categories remain the same.
- Is movement between Provinces allowed?
Yes, the movement between the Provinces is allowed provided that the purpose for which the movement falls falls into the Categories of SMS use which as a rule does not exceed three (3) hours.
B. Social gatherings:
6. Is access to squares allowed?
Access to squares is allowed from March 15 for gatherings with a maximum of 6 people, regardless of age, meaning that a text message is sent to 8998 by selecting the number 6 and the reasonable period of three (3) hours is observed.
7. What is the maximum number of people allowed to gather in public gathering places (parks, linear parks, beaches, nature trails, squares)?
The maximum number of people allowed to gather in parks, linear parks, beaches, nature trails and squares is set at 6 people, regardless of age.
It is understood that people aged 12 and over who gather in the above areas from different households, they must wear a protective mask.
8. Is access to picnic areas and dams allowed?
Access to picnic areas and dams be allowed only for Monday, March 15, 2021. The maximum number of people who can gather in picnic areas and dams on March 15 is 6 adults and in addition their minor children.
C. Dining areas:
9. Are restaurants allowed to operate?
From March 16, only outdoor areas of the catering establishments are allowed to operate, in compliance with the health protocol and guidelines.
The above decision only applies to the following categories of dining areas:
- Restaurants
- Hotels and tourist accommodation
- Taverns
- Cafes
- Pizzerias
- Beers, snack bars and bars
- Cafes
- Canteens and / or dining areas for schools, sports clubs, cultural groups, clubs, clubs, etc.
It is reminded that the service of the public is done exclusively on table seats. If the above companies have bars, direct service to citizens is prohibited in them and are used only for the preparation of food and drinks by the staff of the establishment.
10. What is the maximum number of people outdoors in restaurants?
No maximum number of people is specified outside the catering establishments. The number of people results in each case separately, on the basis of square meters of each premises and meaning that the distance measure is applied as specified in the relevant protocol.
11. What is the maximum number of people per table?
The maximum number of people per table in the dining areas (outdoor areas of the premises) is the 8 persons, regardless of age.
D. Business / Services:
12. How will private service companies operate?
Private service companies (eg law firms, accounting firms, insurance companies, service companies, etc.), except for the essential services specified in the Decree, work remotely. Allowed within the business premises the physical presence of employees not exceeding 30% of the total number of staff with a minimum presence of five (5) people, if the employer so wishes.
It is understood that if a business operates in more than one building, the physical presence of employees not exceeding 30% of each premises is allowed, with a minimum presence of five (5) people, if the employer so wishes.
For businesses that co-located in the same building is allowed the physical presence of employees not exceeding 30% of each legal entity (ie of each company), with a minimum presence of five (5) people, if the employer so wishes, provided that the health protocols are observed.
The rest of the staff works through teleworking at home. It is understood that the number is rounded up.
Ε. Rapid tests:
13. Who should submit to fasttestantigen?
All employees reactivated in the context of companies / industries reopening on 16 March, must be examined fasttest antigen before returning to their workplace, either for free through the program of the Ministry of Health, or privately at your own expense.
In addition, employees in companies / industries must undergo a weekly rapid antigen test as defined in question 14.
14. How long is its effect? fasttest; Should it be repeated by employees?
The result of the rapid test is valid for a period of time seven (7) days, unless in the meantime the person develops symptoms or is characterized by contact and the protocol specified by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit should be followed.
The employer / company is responsible for coordinating the re-examination of employees, so that at any time and on a weekly basis they have a rapid test in force as defined below:
- Companies / services that employ up to 3 people, the control should be done to all employees.
- Companies / services that employ from 4 to 10 people, the audit should be done on at least 4 employees.
- Companies / services that employ more than 10 people, the audit should be done on at least 5 people or 30% of employees, whichever is greater in number.