Prolonged conditions of very high temperatures-heat for Cyprus

Cyprus is in the grip of a prolonged heat wave in July as well

kafsonas thermometro thalassa heat wave, Cyprus, METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE

The temperature forecast for the month of July, according to the Climate Watch of the German Meteorological Service (DWD), for the Eastern Mediterranean region is expected to be higher than normal with frequent heatwaves. DWD's Climate Watch acts on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The times when very high temperatures are noted are between 11:00 and 17:00. The public is urged to monitor the bulletins issued by the Meteorological Department daily (three bulletins are issued every 24 hours with an updated forecast, where and where necessary, based on new forecast and actual data), as well as the relevant warnings.

Attached is the Medium-term Forecast Bulletin with above-normal temperature characteristics for the Eastern Mediterranean, resulting in prolonged very high temperature conditions.