Information for relaxation on Holy Saturday, Sunday and Easter Monday - Difficult for Holy Week

Information for relaxation on Holy Saturday, Sunday and Easter Monday - Difficult for Holy Week

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The psychological factor may be one of the three main pillars on which the decisions for the next relaxations will depend, however the data at the moment do not allow a basis for optimism for substantial relaxations either for Holy Week or for the first days of April in in connection with Easter.

The ecclesiastical protocol of Holy Week is expected to be put on the table at tomorrow's established teleconference of epidemiologists, without, however, expecting any final decision on suggestions for relaxation.

According to secure information from OMEGA, the Ministry itself, realizing the seriousness of the situation that prevails with the high level of sterilization of cases and the continuing increase in the number of hospitalizations in intensive care units, considers that it is still early to bring relaxation to the table. for the big week and Easter.

The constant detection of cases inside the temples also contributes to the problem, something that makes scientists even more discreet (despite the fact that they want it), in announcing any increase in the allowed numbers inside the temples during the church services.

According to reports, the Ministry of Health itself has urged the epidemiological team not to take Easter positions that raise hopes in the world for serious relaxation, in order to avoid the possibility that the final decisions will be such as to further aggravate the bad psychology in which the world finds itself.

The prevailing scenario

Given the current situation, the prevailing scenario is the extension of the existing measures for April and the first two weeks of May.

However, an effort will be made, as reported by a competent source of the Ministry of Health in OMEGA, to give at least some psychological relaxation for the Holy Saturday, which is the first of May, as well as similar relaxations for Easter Sunday and Monday.

These Easter three-day relaxations are expected to concern:

Remove sms for movement

Increase of the allowed number of concentrations in houses

Difficult for Easter week

As for the Easter week now, according to the information from the Ministry of Health, if there is no spectacular improvement within the next few days, no relaxations are expected in relation to the allowed numbers of congregations.

Source: Omega