Vulnerable groups of electricity consumers include people with experience of laryngeal cancer who have undergone a total laryngectomy, as a result of PASYKAF's actions to improve the quality of life of people with laryngectomies.
PASYKAF announcement referring to the result of the initiative of the association, notes that according to the new Decrees and the decision of the Council of Ministers that will come into force on November 1, 2023, the beneficiaries will receive the special electricity tariff and financial support for the installation of photovoltaic of up to 5.000 euros (1.000 euros per kilowatt-hour/kwh).
Beneficiaries, it is added, should go to the provincial offices of the EAC to receive the application for their inclusion in the special electricity tariff. Regarding the grant for photovoltaics, the beneficiaries should complete the relevant application online and proceed with the purchase of the photovoltaics once they have received pre-approval.
The links for these plans of the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry (Save and Upgrade in residences), of the RES & EXE Fund (Photovoltaic and Solar Hot Water Production systems) and for inclusion in the special electricity tariff are:
PASYKAF expresses its thanks to the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry for its positive response and cooperation.
Source: KYPE