The average amount of rainfall recorded from January 14st until 1:8.00 am on January 24th in the free areas of the Republic amounted to just XNUMX% of the normal amount for the month, according to preliminary data published on Friday by the Department of Meteorology.
Specifically, according to the data, the average total amount of rainfall from January 1 to 8.00:24 a.m. on January 14,5 amounted to 102,4 millimeters, compared to XNUMX millimeters, which is the normal rainfall for the month.
Meanwhile, the amount of rainfall in the last 24 hours amounted to 2,7 millimeters.
More specifically, the highest amount of rainfall during the same period was recorded in the Paphos airport area with 29,2 millimeters, corresponding to 31% of normal for the month of January, in Stavros tis Psokas with 29,1 millimeters, corresponding to 17% of normal for the month, in Polis Chrysochous with 23,8 millimeters, corresponding to 24% of normal, and in Pano Panagia 21 millimeters of rainfall, an amount corresponding to 14% of normal.