Theophanos' public call for the elections in Cyprus

Giorgos Theofanous makes a call - an appeal to the voters

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A call - an appeal to the voters is made by the well-known composer, lyricist, musician and writer Giorgos Theofanous.

Giorgos Theofanous raises the issue, among other things, since he himself cannot vote in the Republic of Cyprus.

The message of Giorgos Theofanous

"TO EVERY VOTER STILL THINKING OF GOING TO VOTE OR NOT GOING AND LET OTHERS DECIDE FOR THEM AND OUR CHILDREN. I, UNFORTUNATELY, can't vote for years, I've been saying it for years, THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS DOES NOT allow me to have this right and I ONLY vote in Greece with my Greek citizenship.

Even though I did my military service normally, even though I have all 4 of my children get Cypriot passports FIRST and then Greek. IN YOUR HANDS dear DECIDE VOTE I leave myself And my children.... MAY GOD BLESS YOU WELL and go vote for all of us and for the good of our country. Sincerely, GIORGOS THEOFANOUS".