VIDEO: "You destroyed us! We are guilty, they are raping us ... disgrace to Freemasonry "

On the occasion of the decisions taken and concerning young children

3b8cc5530189208659edc446b7fd28f7 νέα μέτρα, Παιδιά

Dozens of parents did not gather outside the Ministry of Education in Nicosia on Thursday morning on the occasion of the decisions taken concerning young children.

Parents suggest that the rights of children are violated, as well as the parents who, as they support, are the ones responsible for making decisions for their children.

In the excerpt below, SIGMA's camera recorded speeches and statements that, among other things, accuse the "Masons and the Government" while at the same time talking about the need for freedom of opinion in children.

"Shame on the rulers, kneel down to pray to Christ ασ Masons", was heard in the protest.

"They target the children," was heard by another speaker. Kindergarten teacher-speaker said among other things "that for the babies themselves, which I do not have my own, I have in the kindergarten I want to be well .. you destroyed us but we are all guilty because they rape our souls, bodies, spirit…".