Rain and dust in the atmosphere today-Temperature drop in the next few days

Detailed weather report

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The weather will be clear today with the temperature reaching around 35 degrees in the interior, around 33 on the southeast and eastern coasts, around 30 on the northern coasts, around 32 on the rest of the coasts and around 26 degrees in the higher mountains.

There will be light dust in the atmosphere from time to time.

Detailed weather report

The barometric low Elias continues to give heavy rains and storms in the Greek area, while the area of ​​Cyprus is affected by weak low pressure.

Today, initially, the weather will be mostly sunny. At noon and in the afternoon locally increased cloudiness is expected to give isolated rains or even a storm in the mountains and in the eastern half of the island. There will be light dust in the atmosphere from time to time. Winds will initially be variable light 3 Beaufort to gradually become mainly southwest to northwest light to moderate 3 to 4 Beaufort and locally southwest in the afternoon to strong 4 to 5 Beaufort. The sea will be somewhat rough. The temperature will rise to around 35 degrees in the interior, around 33 on the southeast and east coasts, around 30 on the northern coasts, around 32 on the rest of the coasts and around 26 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tonight the weather will be mostly sunny. Winds will be mostly northwest light to moderate 3 to 4 Beaufort. The sea will be a bit rough. The temperature will drop to around 21 degrees in the interior, around 23 on the coasts and around 16 degrees in the higher mountains.
On Friday, the weather will initially be mostly clear, but after noon, increased clouds are likely to give isolated rain in the southeast.
On Saturday, increased clouds are expected to give isolated rain mainly in the west. Local rain and isolated thunderstorms are expected on Sunday.

The temperature will gradually drop during the three days to fluctuate until Sunday close to or slightly below the average climatic values.