Rain, storms and hail today in Cyprus - The weather forecast

Detailed weather report

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The weather will be cloudy today, while rain and isolated storms are expected. In a storm, hail is also possible.

The temperature will rise to around 18 degrees inland, around 19 on the coast and around 8 degrees in the higher mountains.

Detailed weather report

Low pressure affects the area.

Early today, there will be increased cloud in places, which may give isolated rain, especially on the west and north coasts. The weather will gradually become partly cloudy and temporarily locally mainly cloudy, while isolated rains and isolated storms are expected. In a storm, hail is also possible. Winds will blow southwest to northwest, initially light to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort and gradually moderate and locally to strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort. The sea will be a little rough, but later, locally in the south, west and north it will be up to rough. The temperature will rise to around 18 degrees in the interior, around 19 on the coasts and around 8 degrees in the higher mountains.

In the evening, there will be temporarily increased clouds, especially in the western half of the island. Winds will be mainly southwest to northwest, weak and locally to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort. The sea in the east will be a little rough, while on the other coasts it will be a little rough to rough. The temperature will drop to around 8 degrees inland, around 10 along the coast and 2 degrees in the higher mountains, where frost is expected to form locally.

On Thursday the weather will be intermittently cloudy, while isolated rains and isolated storms are expected.

On Friday and Saturday the weather will be mostly cloudy with local rains and isolated thunderstorms.

The temperature will rise slightly on Thursday, but by Saturday it is expected to drop, to be close to and slightly below the average climatic values ​​for the season.