The Cyprus Presidency of the EU Council on migration is expected to promote the issue of returns, which is not limited only to the legislative framework under discussion, but also aims to promote new solutions and develop strategic relations with third countries, said Deputy Minister of Migration Nikolas Ioannides.
In an interview with the Athens/Macedonian News Agency, Mr. Ioannides states that, in general, for the Cypriot Presidency of the Council of the EU, the entry into force of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum will be a highlight.
"We are working towards this and will work hard and methodically, as it is our long-standing position that such a thorny issue should be comprehensively managed by the EU," he said.
Mr. Ioannides is looking forward to closer and more effective cooperation with the European Commission following the supportive statements of the responsible Commissioner Magnus Brunner in Cyprus.
In his interview, the Cypriot Deputy Minister refers to the effective handling of the Government, which has led the Republic of Cyprus to first place among the 27 EU countries in terms of departures - arrivals, but also to the challenges in managing the issue, such as irregular migration flows from Turkey, through the occupied territories.
"The instrumentalization of migration by foreign actors, including through irregular flows across the Green Line, creates security issues," he says, explaining that Cyprus's response to these challenges is also aligned with EU principles and includes enhanced controls and streamlining of asylum procedures.
According to the Deputy Minister, departures for 2024 exceeded 10.000, while during the same period new asylum applications were less than 7.000, down 41% compared to a year ago and even fewer than during the pandemic.
In light of the recent developments in Syria, he points out that since December 9, over 1,000 people have withdrawn their applications for international protection or renounced their refugee and/or subsidiary protection status, while approximately 500 Syrians have already departed from Cyprus. He estimates that over time and once stability is achieved in Syria, the number of repatriates will increase.
Additionally, the decrease in arrivals resulted in a significant decrease in the number of people residing in the First Reception and Hospitality Centers, since, at the moment, there are approximately 900 people residing in the Pournara First Reception Center and the Hospitality Centers in Kofinou and Limnes.
More generally, regarding the tension in the wider Middle East region, the Deputy Minister notes that it does not only concern immigration but is a security issue and therefore requires constant vigilance and preparedness, as well as a number of other issues surrounding immigration.
"The role of Cyprus is stabilizing in the region and for this reason the President of the Republic takes so many initiatives with the leaders of other states and the European Union. The Republic of Cyprus is a pillar of stability and security in the region. Our goal is to have a role in developments, so as to contribute either to the prevention or management of conflicts, in order to avoid crises in our neighboring states, the consequences of which will be negative for both Cyprus and the European Union and the other states in the region," he notes.
He also referred to the very good cooperation between Cyprus and Greece, which face common migration challenges and therefore the coordination of the two countries at the European and international level, as well as the exchange of views and good practices, strengthens the efforts of both countries for effective migration management.
Source: KYPE