Two preference crosses for the elections to nominate members of the European Parliament

The voter may mark up to two preference crosses

euroekloges European elections, Elections 2024

Up to two preference crosses can be marked by the voter for the elections to nominate members of the European Parliament.

On receipt of the ballot, the voter enters the polling booth and secretly marks, with a blue or black colored pen, the designated point, i.e. 'X' or '+' or '√' in the square below his column combination, or next to the name of the individual candidate of his preference.

The voter is not entitled to vote for candidates from different combinations and/or individual candidates, as, in such case, the ballot will be invalid.

However, if the voter so wishes, he can express his preference for a certain or certain candidates of the combination of his choice, by marking a cross or crosses of preference in the small squares next to the name of each candidate. The preference crosses must not be more than two preference crosses for the elections to nominate members of the European Parliament, one preference cross for every four municipal councilors or members of the School Ephorate.

If the number of councilors or members divided by the number four leaves a remainder, the total number of preference crosses is increased by one.

Also, the voter may mark a preference cross for every two members of the Community Council. If the number of members divided by the number two leaves a remainder, the total number of preference crosses is increased by one.

If the voter ticks more preference crosses than those provided, they will be ignored. The ballot, in such case, shall be deemed valid and shall be counted as a vote in favor of the combination in which the preference crosses were marked, provided that no other combination or individual candidate was voted for.