A meeting with the social partners to sign an agreement for the renewal of the collective agreement in the hotel industry, until the end of 2027, will be held today, at 12.30:XNUMX, by the Minister of Labor and Social Insurance, Yiannis Panagiotou.
Yesterday, the Minister of Labor, after the acceptance of his mediation proposal from all sides, had declared that "stability is confirmed in the hotel industry, through the completion of the internal procedures in the employers' associations and trade unions, where it was ratified by all parties the agreement in principle for the renewal of the collective agreement".
On December 3, PASYXE, in its extraordinary General Assembly, put before its members the revised mediation proposal of the Minister of Labor and after a vote it was approved.
The contract renewal will be valid for four years from the beginning of 2024 until the end of 2027.