Issuance of building permits for single-family and duplex houses within 20 working days
Licensing (urban planning and building permits) for low-risk developments of up to two residential units in a total of 40 working days. New, more flexible and efficient licensing system, with a fast and automatic process. Introduction of the concept of self-control and strengthening of “on-the-ground” control
Extension of the process to medium-risk developments in March – Introduction of the institution of Building Inspectors
The implementation of another important phase of the reform of the development licensing sector, which concerns the rapid issuance of building permits for low-risk developments of up to two residential units, was announced today by the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Konstantinos Ioannou.
The change in the procedure for this category of developments, said the Minister, began last October with the urban planning certainty for single-family and duplex houses.
"From now on, the time to issue the required permits for the construction of a house is significantly reduced, to a total of 40 working days. Twenty days for the urban planning permit and 20 for the building permit," Mr. Ioannou pointed out, also saying that with the new licensing system, "we are reducing bureaucracy and hassle and facilitating citizens in their planning for the construction of their home."
Continuing and referring to the licensing reform promoted by the Ministry, the Minister of the Interior underlined that "the licensing reform aims to create a more flexible and efficient licensing framework, with simplified and faster procedures that serve citizens more effectively and quickly". At the same time, the goal of strengthening control on the ground is achieved and, by extension, the prevention of urban planning irregularities, which in some cases created data that was difficult to remove. "Secondarily, the Provincial Government Organizations (PGOs) are relieved of pending cases, so that they can focus on strengthening controls", said the Minister.
As Mr. Ioannou explained, applications for a building permit are submitted, on the basis of a relevant Decree, to the EOA, as the competent licensing authorities, electronically through the “IPPODAMOS” System, by completing a special Form – checklist, with which the private designer assumes responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the application. Subsequently, the EOA examine and approve or reject an application and issue the building permit within 20 working days. In the event that an application is not issued or rejected by the EOA within the 20-day timeframe, then the permit is considered granted and is automatically issued through the System on the 21st day.
"With the new automatic procedure that came into force today, the reform in the licensing method for single-family and duplex houses, which constitute approximately 30% of applications, is completed," he noted. According to the data, since last October, when the accelerated procedure for urban planning permits was implemented, 332 applications were submitted, of which 242 were completed and 223 were approved, while 26 applications were rejected for various reasons. For the remaining 83 applications, the period of 20 working days has not passed.
Regarding the next steps in the planning process, the Minister of the Interior said that these "include the extension of the new licensing process to medium-risk developments of up to 12 terraced houses or four-story apartment buildings with up to 20 apartments and a basement, where the necessary permits will be issued in a total of 80 working days. For these developments, the new method of issuing permits will be implemented next March."
According to the Minister, the reform of the licensing sector includes substantial changes in the way permits are examined and issued, which, among other things, concern the introduction of the concept of self-control and the strengthening of the role of private designers, as well as the strengthening of "on-the-ground" control, with on-site visits to construction sites in three stages throughout the construction period. "On-site control ensures that there will be continuous monitoring at key points of the development, but mainly timely intervention to stop construction work, where and where a violation of the conditions provided for in the permit is detected," the Minister stated characteristically.
The reform of the licensing sector is completed with the introduction of the institution of Building Inspectors, who will assume responsibility for control and on-site inspections at construction sites. “In collaboration with the Hellenic Chamber of Construction, we are in the process of preparing the Regulations that will regulate the role and responsibilities of Building Inspectors. During the transitional period until the completion and passage of the Regulations, the necessary arrangements will be made by the Hellenic Chamber of Construction, so that a list of its members who will temporarily assume this role can be drawn up. The aim is for this list to be prepared by the start of the second phase of the reform in March,” Mr. Ioannou pointed out.
At the same time, and as the Minister of the Interior explained, the reform of the licensing sector is directly linked to addressing, to some extent, the housing issue, estimating that "the faster licensing of single-family and duplex houses will provide permanent solutions to a significant number of citizens, especially young families, to meet their housing needs and acquire a privately owned home. Consequently, it will also contribute to the release of residential units so that they can be re-entered into the market, to be utilized by other citizens."
The Minister finally thanked the Technical Services Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, as well as the President and members of ETEK, for the large amount of work they carried out, in order to make possible the reform that will streamline the licensing sector.