AKEL Napa - Protaras hotel employees are "hanging out" AKEL warns

"The announcements of the Minister of Labor were obviously ordered aron-aron for the needs of the pre-election of Averof Neophytou" states AKEL in its announcement

0a1a 65 hotel employees

"The measures announced by the Minister of Labor leave out of support a large group of workers" AKEL states in an announcement, pointing out that "Employees of purely tourist areas, such as Αγία Νάπα, The Protaras and others, whose work is inextricably linked to the tourism industry, were left out of the Minister's announcements, which were apparently ordered aron-aron for the needs of Averof Neophytou's election campaign. "

As AKEL states in its announcement, "After almost two years of pandemic, the government should have recognized the fact that the areas of Cyprus that depend almost exclusively on tourism, remained closed or worked little in 2020. In 2021, they were late to open and closed early, resulting in their employees have not completed six months of social security contributions and are therefore at risk of being left without unemployment benefits. ”

AKEL continues the announcement saying that "The government must take action on tourism industry in total. "Employees in shops, water sports, pubs, restaurants, car rental agencies, and other related businesses in tourist areas are just as exposed as hotel employees and should be covered immediately, allowing them to claim unemployment benefits."