Disarming parent for self test result: "Fine… two lines, twice negative"

The elementary school principal could not believe her ears when a father with a positive self test claimed that he was ... twice negative.

afoplistikos goneas gia apotelesma self test mia chara dyo grammes dyo fores arnitiko 1 SELF TEST, primary school, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL

The principal at an elementary school could not believe her ears when a father with a positive self-test claimed to be φορές twice negative.

Unbelievable but true as we say, fact happened in school!

School principal makes known to Social Networks an incredible incident that happened at her school.

A parent who forgot to do the self test on his child, was called to the school to do it immediately. When the test was done and showed two lines, the parent addressed the principal saying: "fine the test two lines, twice negative!"

The publication of the Director

"We have a winning parent who finished it. He took a selfie at school because he had forgotten, he came out positive and comfortably told me: fine the two-line test, twice negative! To my surprise he told me that in order to be positive he had to come out +!

I closed as a manager as a person as everything! "

See the post


via: Enimerotiko