SKY reporter asks "how much do watermelons make" to the peasant, and gets a paid answer from the farmer

She didn't look much like a peasant woman at a layman's bench as she was not at all willing to answer a question that a reporter asked her.

reporter toy skai rotaei poso kanoyn ta karpoyzia sti laiki kai pairnei pliromeni apantisi apo tin agrotissa farmer, People's market, Reporter

She wasn't much of a peasant woman at a layman's stall as she was not at all willing to answer a question that was put to her reporter.

O Nikos Hypofantis she wanted to know how much the watermelons make, but the farmer did not take kindly to the SKAI journalists.

SKAI did a report on the public market about the increases in products on Wednesday morning, but it was not successful.

Nikos Hypofantis from the studio wanted to know how much watermelons make, so the reporter who was there tried to ask a producer.

Except she was in no mood for answers...

"Don't show me on TV", he is heard saying initially, when the reporter persisted and said he just wanted to ask her price, He said to her: "Go to the field first and come to tell the price later", with Nikos Hypofantis closing the connection.

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via: Enimerotiko