Tomorrow is a Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse and ALL signs will be affected

The astrologer Asi Billiou in her article on states that tomorrow's Full Moon - Lunar eclipse takes place at 16° 1′ of Taurus and strongly affects the fixed signs, i.e. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius who are born from the 14th to the 18th degree of these signs, or those who have a horoscope or planets in the specific degrees of the above signs.


The Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon that takes place on 8/11 in the Taurus-Scorpio axis and because it is conjunct the planet of the unexpected, Uranus, may have a sudden and unexpected change in your income. For example, a job, a partnership may end, or an unexpected expense may arise that puts you out of budget. But there can also be a change in the professional field that affects your income or a loss, i.e. losing your wallet or a card and being very stressed. Therefore, be careful, protect your finances and your belongings, do not take risks and hasty decisions during this period and of course avoid impulsive purchases, especially if they are made under the regime of emotional charge and not because you need something. Maybe the financial uncertainty you'll feel will shake your self-esteem, but remember that your bank account doesn't define your self-worth. With slow and steady steps you will achieve the solutions you need. Also, find ways to have fun and relax a little, and you don't have to spend a lot to do it. The Full Moon – Lunar eclipse can also bring tension to your relationships. Don't react impulsively or get on other people's nerves.


The Full Moon - Lunar eclipse on 8/11 writes your name and if you were born in the 2nd decade, some situations may occur that will change the facts of your life for the next few years. Perhaps there will be some culmination of the situations that started in October with the Solar Eclipse and are now asking for solutions. Because this moon is conjunct Uranus in your sign, there may be upheavals or changes that, as much as you fear them, are what will lead you to success. These changes may concern personal or professional relationships, but also matters related to yourself, the way you think and what you show to those around you. Perhaps a relationship or partnership has reached a turning point and decisions need to be made about its development, or some unexpected developments or revelations may bring you before the end and you suddenly change course. Whatever happens you have to deal with it calmly and not with anger and try to keep your control and sanity. It is not unlikely these days that someone from your professional environment, possibly a woman, or even from your personal environment, say a friend or a close relative, will announce to you important news that concerns her, but indirectly affects you and become stressed, stressed or feel more anxious and tense. Your ruling planet, Venus, which also rules the eclipse, forms demanding aspects, and you may feel pressured both emotionally and financially, or break with partners. Of course, you should be more careful and prudent these days with your finances, not to waste, not to take reckless risks, but also with health issues. Because you may feel low in self-confidence or confused by developments, reach out to people who love and support you, you don't have to go through difficult times alone!


On a psychological and emotional level, you are affected by the Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon in the Taurus-Scorpio axis on 8/11 and you may not be in the mood for much social give and take and close to yourself. Because this moon emphasizes health issues, either yours or a loved one's, it is good not to load your schedule with obligations and responsibilities. Try to find a way to rest, find your peace through relaxing activities and not push your luck or others around you. Of course, the eclipse has an unpredictable character, as it is conjunct Uranus, and a sudden development or revelation can occur in a situation, or in a personal or professional relationship. Some financial differences between you and your partners may spark tensions, or you may learn something that will knock you out of your comfort zone. Or it may be that a rather important secret related to your romantic partner is revealed to you now and opens your eyes to some situations that you were unaware of. Also, you may not be able to avoid tensions or some background in the workplace, but you try to stay away from gossip and quarrels and do not let others lead you astray. Because everyone will be emotionally charged, a conversation can ignite blood, so you try to keep a level head and not add fuel to the fire. Also, fears and repressed emotions may surface, but instead of scratching wounds, prefer to find your peace away from toxic situations and people who cause you irritation and problems. Take advantage of this eclipse to rid your life of people, habits and situations that create obstacles for you.


The Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon on 8/11 is formed in a friendly sign of yours, but its demanding aspects, especially the conjunction with Uranus, may disturb you and bring changes in your social life. At first, you may have more tension, anxiety, irritability and an invisible melancholy, without necessarily having any significant reason, and because your mood will have strong ups and downs you will have all of them one in the nail and one in the horseshoe. The eclipse will put you in the process of re-evaluating your friendships and partnerships and deciding who to walk with and who to keep your distance from. The same will happen with the groups you are a part of, as if you are no longer getting satisfaction and joy you will want to move away and find the enjoyment you are looking for elsewhere. But if you realize that there is like-mindedness and a meaningful connection with your friends, then you will spend quality time with them and bond even more. But you may also experience a loss. You may, for example, have to say goodbye to a friend who decides to move and feel sad. For better or worse this moon will make you more emotional and non-negotiable and you will want your relationships to be clear. So if you feel that you support others, that you are always there for them, but love and understanding are not given on the other side, then this eclipse will put you in the process of making decisions. Since the eclipse takes place in the sign of Taurus, it is possible that you will also have unexpected news about a financial transaction and some issues may arise in relation to a property.


The last eclipse of the year, taking place in the Taurus-Scorpio axis on 8/11, affects the career-family sector and can bring changes and upheavals. This does not mean that it will be for the worse..., since through the changes you will be led on new paths that will help you shine. Because the planet of surprises, upheavals and revolution, Uranus, is directly involved in this eclipse, changes can come out of nowhere and an external condition forces you to change your environment. Or you yourself suddenly cause them, since you may realize that you want to change and claim something else in your life, either personally or professionally. Especially if you are born in the second decade of your sign you may be transformed and reborn under this influence. For example, a person from work, a boss, a colleague may be leaving and you are taking their place, or a position may be opening up in another city or country and you decide to make a fresh start far away. There are many scenarios of changes and some of them may become reality within the next six months, that is, until the next eclipses. Since this eclipse also affects your reputation, you should be careful and not be tempted to lie, especially about your qualifications at work, because they may be revealed and you may be exposed. On the other hand, it is possible that the changes concern the home or family area. For example, the need for a move or an issue concerning your family members arises and you need to resolve it. Of course, the Saturn square to the Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse can put you at odds with an important person in your life, so be careful and ready to set your boundaries.


The Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon in the Taurus-Scorpio axis on 8/11, conjunct the planet of the sudden, Uranus, can bring unexpected developments and changes to your plans. The eclipse affects those born in the second decade more and you may have developments or upheavals in matters of a legal nature, communication, or in matters of study and professional. It may, for example, permanently close a case of yours that was litigated or take an unexpected turn that you did not expect. Maybe you're getting a degree or deciding to drop some studies you've started if you feel like you're being pushed too hard. On the other hand, there may be demanding situations in your professional life, sudden news disrupting your schedule, which for you is very important, and this causes you greater irritation. Your mood will not be uplifted, you will feel pressured and restricted in your plans and plans and you may have to change them. You may also become more rigid in your opinions and want to impose your opinion on others. This moon can also bring you to face your responsibilities if you have lied in the past about your abilities, your studies or your expertise. So if you tried to trick someone, now your lack of knowledge can be seen, your guilty secret will be revealed and you will be exposed. But instead of pretending to be something you are not, try to receive this knowledge and not pretend. The eclipse also asks you to follow your ambitions and say yes to expanding your spiritual horizons and may even whet your appetite for travel or contact with people from abroad. Just be careful because there will be communication problems. Also, attention to health issues and pre-existing illnesses.


The Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon in Taurus-Scorpio on 8/11, while not threatening to your sign, can bring some money and emotional problems. Because it is conjunct Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, you should be particularly careful with your finances and for no reason not to waste or take risks. And when we say finances, I don't just mean your salary, but the money you manage with others, that is, with your family, your partner if you share a wallet, or with partners. Somehow this moon is calling you to scrutinize issues involving loans, cards, alimony, insurance, inheritances, debts and past debts and try to get some order. But you may also have upheavals or changes in financial data, such as a debt that suddenly becomes due, a loan that is not approved for some reason, a financial contract that breaks or an unforeseen expense that takes you out of budget. The eclipse can reward you for hard work on a professional level, but you'll need to be careful what you say and how you say it so you don't backfire in the workplace. However, the Lunar eclipse pushes you to dive into your deepest feelings and maybe some insecurities and fears will come to the surface and make you want to get answers and assurances about a relationship. Your quest will be for emotional security, but you may do it in a more pushy, possessive and jealous way and this will bring tensions and reactions. So be careful not to suffocate or pull on the rope as it may break. Also, with the Full Moon - Lunar eclipse, secrets and behind-the-scenes movements concerning either a professional partnership or a love relationship may come to light. In general, this eclipse can be revelatory, as it will allow you to look beneath the surface of your close relationships, commitments, investments, and business deals, and see clearly which ones are right and beneficial, and which ones you should let go of, since they no longer work for you.


You haven't had time to recover from the previous eclipse that took place in your sign on October 25, and another one is coming, this time facing you, urging you to make the realizations and changes you need to evolve. This Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon on 8/11 in your relationship, marriage and partnership sector will shake you up and shake you up as it conjuncts Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, and you may become a little rebel So if you are in a personal relationship or professional partnership that does not meet your standards, you will put your data and ask for some things to change and for the relationship to be put on a new footing. Depending on the reactions of the other side, your own movements will also occur. If you see that there is understanding in what you are asking for, then you will do your best to make it work. But if there are resistances and disagreements, then you will draw a red line and come to a final rupture, either on a personal or professional level. With the eclipse you will have to be extra careful with your secrets, or if you have been involved in an illicit relationship there is a risk that it will be revealed. So try not to give permissions and handles to comments that might harm you. The demanding aspects formed by the eclipse can create a particularly charged atmosphere in your everyday life and in your relationships. Something very disturbing can suddenly come up and you can't tame your nervous system. You may find that a person you trust, for example at work, does not show the same commitment that you show, or you may even feel betrayed in a relationship. Try to calm down before having any discussion, if you don't want to lead to rifts. Of course first of all you should take more care of your health and your good physical condition.


The health and fitness sector and the sector of everyday life at work are affected by the eclipse on 8/11 in the Taurus-Scorpio axis and you should be especially careful. As far as the work sector is concerned, there will be disruption, unpredictable developments and there may be tension with some colleagues, who will try to load you with more responsibilities and responsibilities and you may get very irritated and react. With this moon it is not at all unlikely that you will see a partner leave you or have changes in the way and place of work. Also, the matter may be financial, that is, cuts have to be made in the company you work for and you have stress and anxiety about your finances. Of course, you may not be satisfied with the money you get and rebel, or you may not be happy with one of your partners and remove him with summary procedures. However, you may also face tension in friendly relationships. In general, some unforeseen developments will upset your routine and throw you off your schedule, causing you enormous stress and pressure and you will feel exhausted, since situations will constantly arise for which you will have to run. But you have to pay more attention to health issues and if you neglect yourself and especially your diet, maybe with this eclipse you will have a problem. That's why it would be good to change your eating habits and make a decision to put things on the right track and get a more restful daily life, which allows you to deal with things that please you and not only with your obligations that they are physically and psychologically exhausting and it is understood that with the slightest discomfort you will go to the doctor. Also the eclipse can create a strong background at work and either some people talk behind your back or you arrange secret conversations and contacts. But be careful, because this moon is revealing and everything can come out.


The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon on 8/11 in the Taurus-Scorpio axis significantly affects the area of ​​love, friends, children, but also money. And even though it takes place in a sign friendly to yours, the conjunction with the planet of the unexpected, Uranus, increases the chances of a rift or some tension in a relationship, especially if you were born in the second decade of the sign. The Lunar Eclipse can bring new and lightning-fast love encounters or a mood to tear everything down in your relationship and make room for something new and fresh to enter your life. So you may suddenly realize that a situation has ended and a breakup will come that is not "velvet", but as much as it hurts you now such a scenario, in the future you will understand that it was meant to be. In general, it may not be easy for you hard-working Capricorns to put work on the backburner, but with this moon you may be taking a break from obligations and stress, as you will need to have fun and do your own thing. brings joy. You will be more expressive with your feeling, you will let yourself go a little and you will have a strong desire for pleasures, entertainment and to find love. If you are parents, it is very likely that you will now learn something about your children or that something very important will happen in their lives. With this moon it's good to take time for you, find the child inside you and allow yourself a treat or a luxury because you deserve it. There may now be an unexpected pregnancy or some unusual romance intrigue and shock you.


On 8/11 the Lunar eclipse takes place - Full Moon in the Taurus-Scorpio axis and some data may change that will bring unpredictable developments either in matters related to family and home or in matters of work. If you are born in the second decade, a spatial change may occur and you may need to move or change workplace. Perhaps, on the other hand, with the eclipse's opposition to your ruler Uranus and the square to Saturn in your sign, you may suddenly experience repressed feelings and anger about things you wish had been done at home or work, and decide to end a relationship - personal or professional - if you feel oppressed or your point of view is not respected. You may feel that circumstances or certain people are getting in the way of your plans and try to distance yourself from them so that you can follow your goals unhindered. On the other hand, because this moon is also about your past and your roots, maybe some wounds from your childhood will open up, or you might somehow realize how much your people are worth and how much you owe them. neglect and look for ways to return their love. You may want to spend more time with your partner, children, relatives and good friends and feel safe and full inside again. But for some, this eclipse can bring problems regarding a property, the house you live in, or an emergency issue that concerns the home and family. For example, an electrical appliance at home may break down, you will have to replace it immediately and you will be under financial pressure. Also, an issue concerning either a woman in the family environment or a colleague at work may preoccupy you more or affect your own life. Of course, like all fixed signs, you too should be more careful about health and fitness.


This Full Moon - Lunar eclipse that takes place on the Taurus-Scorpio axis on 8/11 and affects your 3rd Solar house, which is about communication and your spiritual perception, will find you intensely social and communicative. You will have an appetite for walks and trips, to see friends, siblings, cousins ​​and acquaintances and your phone will not stop ringing, while opportunities in the professional field may also present themselves. However, you should be very careful about what you say and to whom you say it, because there may be tensions and misunderstandings that will spoil your mood, especially with siblings, friends, neighbors, colleagues and people you come into daily contact with. The conjunction of the eclipse with the planet of surprises, Uranus, may bring revelations of some situations that you were unaware of and you may be very disappointed, but you will do well to be careful with your own secrets these days, because something may be revealed that puts you in a difficult position. However, extraordinary financial issues may arise in a relationship or partnership that will deeply concern you. Because with this eclipse anything is possible and because others will be in the red, keep your eyes and ears open, don't trust everything you hear and be more suspicious if you need to commit or sign documents. The eclipse will heighten your intuition, so trust it, but stop thinking negative thoughts or letting yourself be influenced by people who are trying to boost their self-esteem at the expense of yours. Pay attention to your movements, your means of transport and transactions. And because your speech may be highly controversial or the views very innovative and not acceptable to the general public, think twice or thrice before posting something on social media, because you may stir up a storm of reactions and find yourself in trouble.


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