20 things we use every day and did not know had an expiration date

The replacement of objects that we use in our daily life, should be done when their lifespan expires, which we do not know, since it is not listed above.

Replacing items: To protect our health

This must be done in order to protect our health, otherwise the germs that accumulate can cause health problems. Many household products have their own lifespan that we tend to ignore. See 20 items you use on a daily basis to find out when to replace them with new ones.

Replacing items: When to change 20 items that we use frequently

Yoga mat - every year

It depends on how often you use the yoga mat, the type of activities and its quality. It is recommended to look for damage and tears, but usually, a mattress lasts about a year. Signs that you need a new one include thinning, an unpleasant odor and slipperiness.

Bra - every 6-9 months

A bra has reached the end of its life when the stripes are stretched, the fabric is worn and the straps come in contact with your chest. But even if it has not reached all this, you should change your bra after 6-9 months.

Toilet brush - every 6 months

A toilet brush should be cleaned as often as you clean your toilet and replaced at least every 6 months. Wooden toilet brushes may take a little longer, but it is still important to replace them regularly.

Contact lens case - every 3 months

Contact lens cases should be cleaned after each use and kept open until dry between cleanings. They should be replaced every 3 months.

Mattresses - every 8-10 years

Although it depends on the type and quality of mattress you use, the basic rule is to buy a new mattress after about 8-10 years. You may also need to consider other factors such as allergies, muscle stiffness in the morning and noisy springs to see if you need to change your mattress faster.

Shower water filter - every 2-6 months

Depending on how often you use the shower, the quality of the filter and the number of people using the same shower, the answer may vary. However, in general, you should at least change it after 6 months.

Menstrual cup - every 6 months to 10 years

Reusable menstrual cups should be washed and wiped before each use and emptied at least twice a day. They are durable and have a lifespan of 6 months to 10 years, depending on the brand you use.

Replacing objects: They accumulate many germs over time

Washing machine - every 10 years

On average, a washing machine can be used until the 10th year. But it depends on the brand, how often you use it in a day and the load per use.

Bath mats - every 2 years

Bath mats should be washed every other week, unless you share the bath with someone else, in which case it should be washed every week. However, you need to replace them and the general rule is every 2 years.

Sports bras - every 6 months to 1 year

If you wash and wear a sports bra 3 to 4 times a week, you may need to replace it in 6 months because it will no longer be able to support your chest. However, if you want it to last longer, you have to wash it by hand.

Kitchen sponges - every week

If you do not use a dishwasher, you can use the kitchen sponge several times a day. In such a case, it is better to change it on a weekly basis.

Toaster - every 6-8 years

The average life expectancy of a toaster is 6-8 years, but you can extend its life by cleaning it regularly to remove leftover bread.

Carpet - every 10 years

Even with proper care, carpets need to be replaced eventually. Most manufacturers estimate that you will need a replacement after about 10 years.

Stainless steel water bottles - 12 years

Although they are reusable and durable, they do not last forever. However, they can be used for over 12 years and can be recycled.

Smoke detector - every 10 years

The batteries for the smoke detector must be replaced every year, but it also has a lifespan. In general, it will not work properly after 10 years. It is good practice to check the date of manufacture on the back.

Dishwasher - every 10 years

You will need to change the dishwasher if it is already ten years old. Other reasons why you should change it, even if it is less than 10 years old, include that it does not work well and that the cost of repairs exceeds 50% of the price of a new dishwasher.

Coconut door mats - every 6-10 years

Coconut door mats are durable and easy to clean. Maybe it's better to get a thicker mat to increase its lifespan, especially if used a lot.

Running shoes - every 720-880 km

It is important to consider whether your shoes provide enough running support. Usually, you should buy a new pair every 720-880 kilometers, but if they do not show signs of excessive wear, you can wear them for a longer period of time without increasing the risk of injury.

Refrigerator - every 15 years

If the refrigerator is under 8 years old, you may want to repair it. But if it is over 15 years old, it is better to replace it. When you are between 8 and 15 years old, you should also consider what kind of refrigerator it is and if it is environmentally friendly.

Sofa - every 7-15 years

You may feel reluctant to change sofas unless you are decorating or moving, but their lifespan is 7 to 15 years. It's time for a new sofa when the fabric is frayed. You can choose to change the wallpaper if it has emotional value and a good frame.


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