In Deryneia the theatrical monologue "TO QAPLOMA" with Barbara Christofi

Inspired by the true story of Maria Neophytou from Anogyra.

Main Image x2 14 1 exclusive, Deryneia, Theater, Cypriot Dialect, monologue

The theatrical monologue "TO PAPLOMA" travels to Deryneia on Saturday, December 4 at 20:00 at the Adult Center of the Municipality of Deryneia.

For information and reservations 96250745
The play is presented in the Cypriot dialect.

The Quilt is an original theatrical monologue by Barbara Christofi, inspired by the true story of Maria Neophytou from Anogyra, which took place on our island a century ago. The young girl, with talent in embroidery, accepts an order for a quilt, with a large fee. Her life will never be the same again.

The play, directed by Maria Kyriakou, is inspired by the existential agony of the character. A young girl in the early 20th century, trying to free herself from his predestined fate. Maria's need for financial independence and the way she perceives herself through her art, build a strong image of the Cypriot woman, who ultimately fails to survive in a society that exploits and shatters her dreams.

"I go to work. Embroider day and night. The chili dances to your sierka Maria! "

PAPLOMA exclusive, Deryneia, Theatre, Cypriot Dialect, monologue