Andreas Mikroutsikos: Guilty of electricity theft - The case and the sentence

mikroytsikos andreas 682x384 ANDREAS MIKROUTSIKOS, PRISON SENTENCE

Ο Andreas Mikroutsikos bears no resemblance to the dynamic presenter we have known for so many years. Isolated and with a difficult daily life with financial problems, as he has admitted and he no longer employs the media at all.

But he found himself on the surface again with unpleasant news after he was accused and sat on the bench for power theft with the court considering him guilty and impose on him 7 months suspended imprisonment.


Andreas Mikroutsikos had "damaged" the electricity clock for 16 months, stealing 1.700 euros from the state in total.

The category is specific to continuous theft of electricity where with "Teased watch" of Electricity managed to save 8.000 kilowatt hours in charge.

The case reached the courts where after his conviction the amount is expected to be claimed against him but also the payment of the suspension amount to avoid imprisonment.

