See what happens to your body if you stay away from sex for a long time

The truth is that many couples abstain from sex for a variety of reasons, even for a long time. However, she

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The truth is that many couples abstain from sex for a variety of reasons, even for a long time. However, this abstinence, in addition to the effects it has on the relationship, also affects your own body.

So see below what happens to your body if you abstain from sexual activity for a long time.

You get sick more easily

It may sound a little strange, but sex creates antibodies that help the immune system fight off the common cold. When you abstain, the chances of catching a cold can be higher than usual.

Memory weakens

Frequent sexual intercourse, as experts explain, creates new cells in the memory node of the brain. Which means it helps boost memory.

Difficulty sleeping

You will notice that after sex, you fall asleep almost immediately. This is also because the body, after sexual intercourse, releases a special hormone that causes sleep, prolactin.

This chemical forces the body to sleep much faster, relaxing the muscles and creating a wave of relief for the brain. So, if you do not have sex, this substance is not released, so you sleep harder.
