Everyday habits that put you in the mood and do not go your mind

The truth is that there are many factors that can affect our psychology on a daily basis, such as the way we start

gynaika MOOD

The truth is that there are many factors that can affect our psychology on a daily basis, such as the way we start the day, our walking, communication and many others.

However, several daily habits can affect us and greatly affect our psychology. See four of them below:

We photograph everything

The frantic use of Instagram and other social media has preoccupied experts. According to the results of a study published in Psychological Science, people in their attempt to photograph everything by achieving the perfect photo end up not experiencing the situation. They do not live in the here and now and therefore have no memories of their experiences. In the study, participants took a walk in the museum, observing certain objects and taking pictures of others.

Lack of exercise

The more we sit, the more we fall psychologically. Exercise helps us feel healthy, happy and mentally healthy. Endorphins, the hormones of happiness, are secreted during exercise. So you understand how important it is in our self-esteem but also in our health, mental and physical.

Lack of sleep

Sleep is essential for rest and relaxation. "Sleep affects everything," says Diedra L. Clay, PsyD, president and associate professor at Bastyr University's Department of Health Counseling and Psychology, "emotional and mental abilities, as well as the functioning of our body.

Walking upside down and shoulders inward

How we feel may affect the way we walk, but the opposite is also true, according to a study published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. The researchers found that when people were asked to walk with their shoulders thrown forward, leaning forward, and with minimal hand movements, they experienced worse moods than those who had more lively gait. In addition, participants who walked hunched over remembered more negative than positive things. How depressing this can be. Walking and the way we stand indicates both our emotional state and the faith we have in ourselves. Therefore, raise your head and straighten your back. You will immediately feel stronger and more confident about yourself.
