The trick with expired yogurt that makes the bathroom basin glow

Are you looking for ways to clean the parts of the house in a natural way and economically? Especially these days when we stay home,

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svg% 3E yogurt, bath, Nea Famagusta

Are you looking for ways to clean the parts of the house in a natural way and economically? Especially these days when we stay home because of the coronavirus is a good opportunity and solution to clean parts of the house with products you have, without having to go out to buy.

For example, you know that you can make your bathroom sink glow with the help of expired yogurt. So, if the yogurt is over and you did not manage to consume it, here is the trick that will surprise you:

What you will need

The expired yogurt that you are about to throw in the trash will do all the work in your bathroom. Easy and economical!

How to use it

Spread expired yogurt in your bowl and leave it on overnight. The next morning use a brush to scrub your pelvis. What you will notice is that the cigar will disappear without having to rub much.
