Three reasons why you fall in love

There are many and unpredictable factors that can affect the sexual mood of men and women, while the

cd987d7a0c4a555f82bf8ae85d1acd38 sex, ερωτική διάθεση

There are many and unpredictable factors that can affect the sexual mood of men and women, while everyone's age also plays a role. 

If you or your partner have been losing libido lately, here are three reasons why they may be responsible…

1. Stress

Stress about business or finances can dramatically reduce libido. If you want a healthy sex life, try to eliminate stress, even if you need to seek the help of a specialist.

2. Obesity

Many studies have shown that obesity can be responsible for decreased sexual desire, as excess weight restricts physical movement, increases the feeling of fatigue and negatively affects the feeling of self-esteem.

3. Alcohol

A glass of wine or a drink with alcohol can lift your mood and sexual desire. But do not overdo it, as excessive alcohol consumption in the long run reduces sexual desire.
