Three common reasons a couple abstains from sex

A couple's love life is one of the key elements to a healthy relationship. However, there are

sexuality and breastfeeding sex, Nea Famagusta

A couple's love life is one of the key elements to a healthy relationship. However, there are times when the couple falls in love and spend days or even weeks without having sex.

Here are three common reasons that lead a couple to abstain from sex:


The most common reason is the stressful factors that do not leave the couple free, as a result of which instead of relaxing, more pressure and tension accumulates. You may need to get rid of negative thoughts as much as you can and turn off cell phones and other electronic devices that may be affecting you for a while.

 Intense physical fatigue

After a very tiring day, sex is probably the last thing you want to do. The solution to this is to stop thinking that sex should only be done at night. Undoubtedly, you will not have sex as often as at the beginning of your relationship, but at least you will find the lost intimacy again.

The image of the body

At a time when women are being bombarded with unrealistic body images, whether it's through plastic surgery or various patterns they see, it makes sense in many cases to block. When these images are presented as ideal for the body type, it is easy for them to feel bad about yourself. Many women avoid having sex with their partner because they feel insecure about their body. If you belong to this category, try to highlight the parts of your body with which you feel good.
