TEBE Famagusta welcomes the decisions of the Council of Ministers for a Cypriot investment program

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The Famagusta Tourism, Commercial and Industrial Company in a statement congratulates the President of the Republic of Cyprus Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis and his Council of Ministers for the responsible attitude they took during the discussion of the Cyprus Investment Program at their meeting yesterday.

A statement said that "despite the pressures and the largely unfair criticism leveled at the President himself, they behaved with superiority and prudence, recognizing the program's contribution and contribution to almost all sectors of the Cypriot economy."

TEVEA states that it agrees with the Government that there should be strict controls of potential investors and welcomes the decisions of the Council of Ministers that ensure the integrity of the program.

At the same time, he expresses the hope that with the decisions of the Council of Ministers, the concerns about the program will be calmed down and the broadcasting that the program and the whole country from within will stop.

At the same time, as an association of businessmen, it expresses our apology to the Government, since until today the Government alone undertook the burden of defending the program in society and in the Media, a task that should have been primarily of businessmen, who enjoy the benefits of the program.
