LIOPETRI: He was giving her coffee and she was stealing it

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It seems that the 59-year-old, known to the authorities for her kleptomania, continues to harass people and cosmopolitan people in the Province of Famagusta.

According to the Police, a 59-year-old woman from Liopetri, complained on Tuesday 09/01 that in two different cases a woman from Xylofagou stole her.

Specifically, on the dates January 8-9 and December 7, the 59-year-old from Xylofagou visited the home of the 59-year-old from Liopetri and began to report that she has no money and no food.

The last one, after he felt sorry for her, put her in her house to treat her to coffee.

The first time the 59-year-old stole the amount of one thousand euros while the second time the amount of 2,800.

Following her complaint, a testimony was secured against the 59-year-old from Xylofagou, who was arrested on the night of Wednesday 10/01.

This is a woman known to the Authorities while she has been previously sentenced to 1,5 years in prison for similar incidents.

On Thursday 11/01 she was brought before a court for a request for her detention.

However, it does not cooperate with the authorities.
