PARALIMNI: 3 months without Androula PapaEvelthontos - A meal of love in her memory by KEPA

Today marks three months since the death of Elder Androula PapaEvelthontos. 

200459571 4343300619054352 1847945047626280371 n exclusive, Androula PapaEvelthontos., KEPA Agios Christoforos
Today marks three months since the death of Elder Androula PapaEvelthontos. 
KEPA Agios Christoforos offered today the meal of love in her memory, while as she points out in an announcement, "We are convinced that every time KEPA offers alms and charity, its blessed soul rejoices".
Blessed Mrs. Androula and her blessed husband, Father Evelthon, offered all their lives to our fellow human beings who were in need through charity work, and they still continue to do so, through the admirable work of KEPA.

The announcement of KEPA Agios Christoforos:

"Today marks three months since the death of Elder Androula PapaEvelthontos and today's Love Meal is offered in her memory.

We miss her physically but she is spiritually present.

We are convinced that every time KEPA offers alms and charity, its blessed soul rejoices ".

