Cloudy and hazy weather today

a Weather
a 12 Weather

Today the weather will be mostly cloudy, with clouds in the middle and upper atmosphere and locally it is possible to have light rain.

The winds will blow northeast to southeast - up to moderate, 3 to 4 degrees and temporarily on the winding shores to strong, 5 degrees.

The sea will be a little turbulent and in the winds up to turbulent. The temperature will rise to around 19 degrees inland, north and east coasts, around 20 on the rest of the coast and 14 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tonight the weather will be partly cloudy, with clouds in the middle and upper atmosphere and locally it will rain lightly, mainly.

The windy will blow north as northeast and locally to east, sick as moderate, 3 to 4 degrees but in the winds generally moderate, 4 degrees.

The sea will be a little turbulent and in the winds up to turbulent. The temperature will drop to around 11 degrees inland and west coast, around 13 on the rest of the coast and to 6 degrees in the higher mountains.

On Wednesday the weather will be mostly cloudy, while locally it may rain. The temperature will drop slightly.

On Thursday the weather will be mostly clear at first, but in the afternoon and in the evening local rains and isolated thunderstorms. The temperature will not change significantly.

On Friday, temporarily increased clouds are expected to give local rains or thunderstorms, but from the afternoon the weather will gradually become mostly clear. The temperature will drop slightly.