Deal with bad mood in the workplace

A 1 Little Secrets, Nea Famagusta
A 14 Little Secrets, Nea Famagusta
Simple moves and tricks that make us happy

Bad mood is inevitable with the economic crisis and unemployment in our country, but there are many ways to overcome it… 

Did you know that the ability to maintain a positive attitude at work belongs to leadership skills? Because something will definitely ruin your day at work, see how you can keep your smile:

Stay in the present

When you are not feeling well, it is easy to blame the manager, the colleague, a client. In fact, if you are given a demanding deadline for a job, you can easily grumble: "I do not think he did that to me! "Doesn't he know I have 10 other things to do?"

But this way you are wasting time and energy. Instead, focus on the present and prioritize urgency. Get to work or ask for help.

Press on your feet

To avoid getting caught up in the negative thoughts, do the following trick: place your feet firmly on the floor (either standing or sitting) and feel the sole of the shoe press against the ground.

This will help you feel like you are stepping on solid ground and will relieve you of a bad mood.

Take a deep breath

When something upsets us, such as a cowardly criticism from a colleague, we often become immobile and stop breathing.

When we perceive a threat, the primitive part of our brain prepares the body for battle, action or flight, sending blood to our arms and legs - so far from the brain - so we feel more confused. Slow, deep and rhythmic breathing can calm this reaction.

Think of something funny

Watch a funny video on YouTube or read a joke in your mails. Laughter makes us feel good because it neutralizes emotions such as fear, anger, boredom, as it has the power to release them.

This release can prevent or even stop conflicts, normalize tensions and help us see and understand the perspective of others.

There are good and bad days at work. Make sure you remember the good ones and start the day by saying to yourself: "I will not allow anything or anyone to spoil my mood".
