Seven SOS pains that you should not ignore

a 219 Nea Famagusta
a 7202 Nea Famagusta
Being sick is certainly not the best thing to do, but ignoring any warning your body sends you can be devastating. Here are 7 pains that you should not ignore… 

Sudden and acute headache:
We are not talking about the classic migraine that is accompanied by difficulty in vision or nausea, but about sudden pain in half or even the whole head that makes the hangover look like a toy. This headache is very likely to be a symptom of a brain aneurysm. This arterial swelling is present in about 5% of people but most of the time it is not perceived or fatal. When this happens, the blood floods the surrounding tissue causing a headache. Smoking and heredity can increase the chances of an aneurysm. According to experts, a brain aneurysm can destroy the brain in just a few minutes. So the best thing to do is go straight to the hospital.

Hypersensitive teeth:
If you feel sharp pain every time anything icy touches your teeth, then the enamel that surrounds them is most likely damaged. In this case you should visit your dentist soon. Otherwise it is very likely to cause infection of the entire oral cavity and the nerves of the area. And unfortunately the infection can not only be limited to the mouth but also spread to the rest of your body. The only solution is frequent check-ups. So do not neglect your visit to the dentist.

Acute rib pain:
It may not be anything to worry about but if you feel pressure on your right side which is accompanied by fever you are very likely to suffer from appendicitis. If this pain persists there is a risk that even one of your organs may become infected. Another case is the specific pain due to the existence of a cyst in the ovaries. They are usually harmless and go away on their own, however if any of them move or break they can cause terrible pain. In both cases there is a need for surgery.

Periodic chest pain:
If you have chest pains that are not persistent or you feel tightness, there are two options: either you have eaten a lot or you have heart problems. It is best not to risk it and consult your doctor immediately as more than 10.000 women under the age of 45 suffer heart attacks. In fact, the symptoms in women are not as intense as in men, which makes them much more dangerous. The treatment can be done either with medication or with surgery.

Abdominal discomfort or bloating:
We have all felt bloated for more than a day. The worst case scenario for this symptom is ovarian cancer. So if you experience these symptoms for a week or more then you should see your doctor immediately. Ovarian cancer may not be as common as breast cancer, but the risk is higher because of heredity or if you have never been pregnant.

Back pain or tingling in the toes:
In case you have lifted weights or generalized in your home, back pain and tingling are perfectly justified. But if you have not done any of these then it is very likely that a bone is pressing on your spinal cord. In this case you should visit your doctor because the risk of getting permanent damage is high.

Leg pain and swelling:
If your foot is swollen or you feel severe pain then you are very likely to have a thrombosis. The cause of thrombosis can be office work in a bad position, sedentary life in general or even a long flight. Blood begins to accumulate in the lower part of the body and form a clot. When the accumulation of blood is large enough, the arteries become clogged, causing pain and swelling. Consult your doctor immediately and in no case massage the specific area as the clot can break and the blood goes directly to the lungs with devastating consequences.
